We are OPEN and Protecting you during your visit!

1. Screen Staff: All staff is screened upon entry – Temperature taken, reviewed for symptoms, surveyed and cleared.  Any signs or signs in staff or their family members – the staff is asked to stay home

2. Clean Office: All surfaces cleaned after ANY contact by others (patients or staff)- Includes handles, counters, credit card machine and of course TABLES – fully sanitized between every patient.

3. Screen Patients: All screened for signs and symptoms.

4. Appointments: Social distancing and private room available.  Visits spread out to decrease contact.  At risk patients (over 65) asked to stay home unless emergency and then strict isolation protocols in place.  Wait for call options available for those who wish to wait in car until office is empty.  Visitors not allowed.

5. Hand Sanitizers: Located all through the office and pump handles disinfected regularly as well.

6. In Office Posts: CDC recommendations posted in office.

7. Social Distancing: 6 foot signage and respect of personal space enforced.

8. Hand Washing: Thorough hand washing every hour and after any and all contact with others.  Doctors wash hands immediately before adjustments and immediately after, EVERY TIME.  This is our normal operating procedure, but thought you would like to know that now as well.

9. TOUCHLESS – there is no reason for any patient to touch anything in our office except the tables (which are fully sanitized between every treatment).  Patient computer check-in has been suspended, doors are propped open, credit card machine has touchless (tap card) options.  The only contact is during treatment and we are making accommodations for your safety.

10. We Care About You – and are honored to keep you safe and health, as always!



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