Prepare for your 1st Visit
Prepare for your 1st Visit
Your first visit to our office will include a full history and examination with the doctor. You may or may not be treated on your first visit depending on your exam findings and the doctor’s recommendations. Treatment on the first visit is often appropriate.
How Long Will It Take?
You will be in the office for 45min to 1.5 hours depending on your situation, how many problem areas you have, and the amount of questions you have. We will take as long as necessary to get all your information, answers your questions, and take good care of you. If you are in a hurry, tell us right away so we can keep you on schedule.
What Payment Options do you have?
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Health Savings Cards, Cash or Checks. We can also set up payment plans that are user friendly. Soon, we will also have an online payment option, including PayPal for your convenience.
Will it hurt?
NO – our tests procedures will move you through normal range of motion. NO needles or pain!
What Do I Wear?
Comfortable cloths that allow you to bend and move. Tight pants or skirts are hard to work with.
What will it Cost?
That depends on your insurance coverage – Please call and have your benefits verified before you come in if this is a concern. We can give you complete, detailed information about costs before you ever set foot in our office if you like. If you do not have insurance, the average spinal adjustment is $60 and the average new patient examination ranges from $130 to $185. There are exceptions with regards to number of complaints, areas needing treatment, complications etc that change treatment rates. Please ask all your questions. No services will be rendered without your consent and knowledge before hand. We take pride in our services and want you to be well informed and comfortable with your treatment choices. We also have excellent, flexible payment plans to make getting the care you deserve easy to pay for.